The Creed we profess

Many denominations proclaim the Apostles Creed, but is this right? Should we return to this most basic of creeds in order to guide our Churches? This is a deep question since the Church of Scotland, the Episcopal Churches and many other denominational churches utilize only the "Apostles Creed" and not the Nicean Creed that isContinue reading "The Creed we profess"

“An old love affair”

Many may ask why be celtic and be apart of a greek church? This makes a for a good answer, and its not overly complicated. The short answer, is that it works! The second and most important answer is that the Celts and the Greeks have always had a love affair to a certain degree.Continue reading "“An old love affair”"

Luminous Vision in Jesus Christ

I wanted to share with all my most recent video of my reflection on St Simeon the New Theologian and his luminous vision pedagogy.  As many of you know, I have been working for a couple of years on my expansion of the concepts of Mystical Catechesis. St Symeon is by far one of theContinue reading "Luminous Vision in Jesus Christ"

Luminous Vision in Jesus Christ

I wanted to share with all my most recent video of my reflection on St Simeon the New Theologian and his luminous vision pedagogy.  As many of you know, I have been working for a couple of years on my expansion of the concepts of Mystical Catechesis. St Symeon is by far one of theContinue reading "Luminous Vision in Jesus Christ"

The error of Cultural Christianity

I live in the US South and many people believe this to be the "Bible Belt" that they've always heard about, but as someone who has been in the south for 27 years, this isn't true. Today, Christians live carnal and materialistic lives. While you may get a few people here that are good devoutContinue reading "The error of Cultural Christianity"

The Church of Sinners

Very recently, I heard someone telling me of a great wrath of God. I was curious about this and listened intently. They said that a great wrath would end up becoming the judgment of the church. Well we cannot forget the second coming of the judgment, we also cannot forget that the Lord Christ establishedContinue reading "The Church of Sinners"

Winter is Coming!

With just over seventeen days until Samhain, its great to see the leaves beginning their great descent and the beauty of the full effect of fall taking place. While many in the United States have been celebrating Fall for a couple of weeks now, the US South takes a little longer to change than theContinue reading "Winter is Coming!"